Program Founder and Director

Kevin Wooten, PhD

Kevin Wooten, PhD

  • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Tulane University
  • Professor of Management, University of Houston Clear Lake
  • Lead Team Science Consultant for University of Texas Medical Branch - Institute for Translational Sciences
  • Founding member of Board of Directors for the International Network for the Science of Team Science, Editorial Board for Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
  • Research interests include change management, team science leadership, team intervention evaluation methodologies and methods, multi-institutional team networks

Distinguished Subject Matter Experts and Content Developers

Eduardo Salas, PhD

Eduardo Salas, PhD

  • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Old Dominion University
  • Professor and Chair of Psychological Sciences, Rice University
  • Fellow and Past President, Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES); Fellow, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science and HFES; Recipient of five lifetime achievement awards
  • Internationally renowned scholar with over 650 co-authored journal articles and 37 edited books and two authored books on team training and teamwork
  • Research interests include predictors of teamwork and team effectiveness, team training effectiveness, design and evaluation of training and development systems
Maritza Salazar-Campo, PhD

Maritza Salazar-Campo, PhD

  • Ph.D., Management, New York University
  • Assistant Professor of Organizational Management at the University of California Irvine
  • Founding President of the International Network for the Science of Team Science
  • Recipient of prestigious NSF grant involving interdisciplinary teams, and frequent team science advisor to the Department of the Army, academic institutions, and Fortune 500 organizations
  • Research interests include team science, group processes, team-based organizations, management of innovation and learning, and the effects of culture and multiculturism
 Theresa Lant, PhD

Theresa Lant, PhD

  • Ph.D., Stanford University, Organizational Behavior
  • Distinguished Professor of Management, Pace University
  • Team Science trainer and evaluator
  • Research focuses on interdisciplinary teams in science, engineering, and medicine
  • Research highlighted in NASEM 2015 report Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science
  • NSF SciSIP Award #1262754

Senior Content Developers and Evaluation Experts

Tiffany Bisbey, PhD

Tiffany Bisbey, PhD

Tiffany M. Bisbey is an Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology at The George Washington University in Washington DC. Her research focuses on the science of teamwork, improving collaboration and resilience in high-risk organizations, and effective approaches to employee training and development. Her recent work focuses on the effectiveness of safety training, fostering resilience in teams, and the role of employee voice in supporting organizational safety and success.

Molly KilCullen, MS

Molly KilCullen, MS

Molly KilCullen, is a doctoral student at Rice University studying Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Molly obtained her master's degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at George Mason University in 2017, while she worked as a fellow at the Army Research Institute. She is currently employed at the Armstrong Institute at Johns Hopkins University, conducting research related to healthcare teamwork. Her research interests include interdisciplinary teamwork, multi-team systems, training, safety culture, and patient engagement.

Chief Instructional Designer and Content Developer

Cynde Ferris, MBA, MA, MS, PMP, CPTD

Cynde Ferris, MBA, MA, MS, PMP, CPTD

Cynde Ferris is the Director of Education Technology at the University of Texas-Medical Branch. She has over 25 years of experience in leading teams with over 10 years in an academic medical setting. She is also a part-time faculty member in the College of Business at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, Management Department. She is a TeamSTEPPS® Master Trainer, and has published and presented on innovative ways to engage and prepare graduate students in online environments at national and international conferences.

Instructional Design and Production Team

Chris Mattern

Chris Mattern, BA, Harvard Grad Cert Learning Design & Technology

Chris Mattern is an instructional designer at the University of Texas Medical Branch in the School of Nursing and leads the SON video and podcast production team. She has a BA in Communication and a Graduate Certificate from Harvard University in Learning Design and Technology. She also has extensive background in training and media production in corporate settings, working for MCI/Verizon, BP, and Firestone.

Crystal Oliphant, BA, ATD Certified Master Trainer

Crystal Oliphant, BA, ATD Certified Master Trainer

Crystal Oliphant is a Sr. Instructional Designer and ATD Certified Master Trainer at the University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing. She has done work with gamification in education and has published and presented on innovative ways of applying gamification in engaging undergrad students in course materials. She has over 15 years of industry experience in a higher education setting and a passion for photography, videography, and graphic design.

Richard Meyer, MS, OCP

Richard Meyer, MS, OCP

Richard Meyer is a Sr. Applications Systems Analyst at the University of Texas-Medical Branch, and has over 17 years of experience designing, developing, and implementing information technology solutions in academic settings. His focus is on efficiency in business processes and academic data needs. He has a Master of Science in Management Information Systems and the Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional certification.

Virginia Dickenson, B.A. Chem, Ed.D., A.B.D.

Virginia Dickenson, B.A. Chem, Ed.D., A.B.D.

Virginia Dickenson is a course builder with UTMB School of Nursing, and an ATD Certified Master Instructional Designer. She assists faculty with instructional design, research design and applications, game and gamification development, and multimedia design and development using virtual world components. She has worked extensively in learning and development for over 30 years as a consultant, professor, and educational technologist, and has been published multiple times in the areas of virtual world learning and applications development, teaching applications regarding human trafficking using the virtual world, and using technology application learning centers to support and grow self-efficacy and self-reliance.

Chris Tucker, MS

Chris Tucker, MS

Chris Tucker is an Enterprise Platform Architect with over 10 years experience in developing interactive web applications.

Dissemination and Implementation Experts

Stephen Molldrem, PhD

Stephen Molldrem, PhD

Stephen Molldrem, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) in the Department of Bioethics and Health Humanities. He is also a member of UTMB's Institute for Translational Sciences, where he is part of the Team Science Core and Research Ethics Team. Stephen is an ethnographer and qualitative researcher with interests in Science and Technology Studies, Team Science, and Dissemination and Implementation research.


This training program has been developed with the support of the Institute for Translational Science and the School of Nursing at the University of Texas Medical Branch, and supported in part by a Clinical and Translational Science Award (UL1TR001439) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official view of the National Institutes of Health.

University of Texas Medical Branch
The Institute for Translational Sciences
School of Nursing - Multimedia Lab
Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program
NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences


Ruth Finkelstein

Jeff Farone

Jorge De La Garza

Kim Abraham

Hoang Nguyen

Jon Hommel

John Prochaska

Maria Garza

Shinu Joy

Michael Leger

Larnell Mitchell

© 2024 The University of Texas Medical Branch